What is active engagement?
How many students are actively engaged when you ask one person a question during a lesson?
How many students are actively engaged when you have one student at the SmartBoard?
Active engagement is when all students are engaged all the time. It's consistent involvement. It's simultaneous.
How many students are actively engaged when you have one student at the SmartBoard?
Active engagement is when all students are engaged all the time. It's consistent involvement. It's simultaneous.
Two Types of Active Engagement
1. Overt Active Engagement - 90% of the time
Strategies: Show Me, Think-Write-Team Share, Response Cards, Mingle and Chat, Rapid Share, Timed Share
2. Covert Active Engagement - 10% of the time
Strategies: Visualization, Five to Fist Thinking, Prompting
Strategies: Show Me, Think-Write-Team Share, Response Cards, Mingle and Chat, Rapid Share, Timed Share
2. Covert Active Engagement - 10% of the time
Strategies: Visualization, Five to Fist Thinking, Prompting
Response Cards
Use index cards to allow all students to participate.
One idea...when reviewing EOG type questions, use cards for answer choices. In pairs, allow students to take turns eliminating answers and explaining to their partner why they eliminated that answer.
One idea...when reviewing EOG type questions, use cards for answer choices. In pairs, allow students to take turns eliminating answers and explaining to their partner why they eliminated that answer.