Basic Questioning
Bloom's (Revised)
Understand - Construct meaning.
- What is the main idea of...?
- Can you find an example of...?
- How would you summarize...?
- What might happen next?
- How do you explain...?
- What ideas or facts show...?
Analyze - Separate parts and determine relationships.
- Why do you think...?
- What is the relationship...?
- Can you compare...? contrast?
- What idea is relevant to...?
- How would you categorize...?
- What can you infer...?
Apply - A procedure for a situation.
- What would happen if...?
- How could you clarify...?
- Why do you think...?
- Which approach would you...?
- How would you use...?
- What is a situation like...?
Create - Combine to form a whole.
- What is an alternative...?
- Could you invent...?
- Can you compose a...?
- What is your theory about...?
- How can you imagine...?
- What could you design to...?
Remember - Retrieve relevant knowledge from long-term memory.
- Can you recall...?
- Where is...? Who is...?
- Could you list four...?
- How would you describe...?
- How could you explain...?
- Which of these is true...? false...?
Evaluate - Make judgements based on criteria and standards.
- Which is more important...?
- Is there a better solution to...?
- How can you defend...?
- What are the pros of...? cons...?
- Why is...of value?
- How would you feel if...?